Local Authorities
Why Sixteen Plus Should be your first choice
The Support we Provide
Sixteen Plus has over 60 semi-independent/ supported living environments in ten geographical locations across England. These include numerous single occupancy flats/ homes, dual occupancy homes (maximum of two young people) and a number of sustainable “move on” appropriate properties.
We provide bespoke packages of support tailored around each young person’s needs.
Sixteen Plus operate in numerous Local Authority areas and are on several approved providers lists as either an accredited preferred provider or a contract (2, 3 or 4 years) through their procurement/tender process.
- We aim to be a flexible, adaptable and quality operator that offers good value for money.
- We expect our staff to be good role models.
- We understand the pressures on time and resources that Local Authorities can face in relation to adequately and safely support young people.
Requirement: Young people leaving residential/ foster care, used to high levels of support, apprehensive of what the future holds for them in respect to semi – independence.
Our approach: We provide a sliding scale of reduced support, with set timescales to decrease hours as the young person demonstrates their ability to be less reliant on staff support and make better choices in respect to their behaviours.
Requirement: Young people who require support but are reluctant to engage with services and professionals and who are used to free time.
Our approach: We provide a low level of support aimed at encouraging young people to make use of the support to gain those essential life skills whilst monitoring their progress and well – being.
Our senior management team and support staff have vast experience working with multiple local authorities to provide bespoke accommodation and support services for young people (16/17 year olds).
Our staffing structure has core head office functions including, safeguarding, operations, accounts, HR, procurement, and compliance with maintenance teams and field staff deployed for each of our supported living projects to provide a local and bespoke service. We have a satellite office that support specific areas.
We recruit staff from a variety of backgrounds including charities, prison, probation, social services, youth, education and care sectors, who believe in and can relate to young people, focusing on offering support, safeguarding and helping them to raise aspirations.
Our recruitment team operate a ‘safer recruitment’ policy with robust procedures in place including having an enhanced DBS checks (renewed every three years).
Staff training
Our induction training is comprehensive and the COVID-19 pandemic has led us to adapt how we deliver it. We run a rolling, training programme virtually via ‘zoom’ delivered by an industry expert and our staff are all enrolled on “Care Skills Academy” which provides a number of CPD accredited courses that are relevant in ensuring our staff are equipped to meet the needs of our young people.
Courses include:
- Safeguarding children
- Health and Safety
- First aid
- Managing challenging behaviour
- Safer caring and allegations
- Recording and evidencing
- Equality and diversity
- Working with Unaccompanied Asylum-seeking Children (UASC)
- Independent living skills
- Self-harm/ligatures
- Drugs and alcohol awareness
- ADHD and Autism awareness
- Mental Health
- Internet safety
In addition, throughout the year we deliver specific elements of safeguarding such as ‘Prevent’ (vulnerability to radicalisation/terrorism, child sexual exploitation (CSE), child criminal exploitation (CCE) and trafficking). This is delivered by our Safeguarding Lead, who has vast experience of the subjects through their role as a DCI in the Police force.
Other bespoke training is identified through regular supervision and according to any ‘special’ needs of young people we support e.g. attachment disorders, Foetal Alcohol Disorder Syndrome etc.
Prior to being allocated shifts, staff undertake at least two ‘shadow shifts’ with an experienced staff member where young people have an opportunity to feedback on staff suitability.
Staff workplans relate to placement plan outcomes.
Support, encouragement, guidance and assistance for young people to make the right choices to improve their future
CIC health assessment
Specialist services
Personal independence payments
N.I number
Further education
Training courses
Voluntary/ paid work experience
Evidencing our services and standards
The following documentation demonstrates aspects of our service and is available upon request:
Policies & procedures
- Safeguarding (child protection)
- Recruitment & selection
- Health & safety
- Equality & diversity
- Supporting young people in Education, Training and Employment
- Missing from care (unauthorised absence)
Local Authorities
- Contract examples and/or references from Authorities who currently use or have used our services
- Employer’s liability
- Public liability
- Professional indemnity
- Vehicles
- Home contents
- Evidence of current DBS disclosures
- Up to date personnel files, training and supervision records
- Gas safety certificates
- PAT testing confirmation
Get In Touch Anytime!
01733 313473
admin@sixteen-plus.co.uk for general enquiries, or send us a message below.